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One of our value–adds is the wide array of information, points of view, and approaches that we bring to the table. Here, we are sharing some of our favorite and oft–used resources with you. If there are others you would like to see, please email us with your suggestions.

First, a reading list (below), arranged alphabetically by author, of nearly 50 books covering topics from management development to managing change. We will update and expand this list periodically.

Second, a link to The Harvard Business Review. This is a treasure trove of material and a monthly must-read.

A link to The New York Times is next. We believe it is important to have broad exposure to politics, economics, world events, business, arts, and culture.

Business Week is another sound source of data and perspective, so here is a link.

Finally, if you are interested in finding out more about the coaching discipline or related programs, you may link to The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara.

Adrienne, Carol The Purpose of Your Life How to recognize your purpose as it plays out in your livelihood and personal life.
Aftel, Mandy The Story of Your Life Understand the "plots" in your life about love, mastery, and loss so you can rewrite them and leave those negative, self-fulfilling prophecies behind.
Berman, Michael & Brown, David The Power of Metaphor: Storytelling & Guided Journeys for Teacher, Trainers, & Therapists All about guided imagery.
Block, Peter Flawless Consulting From the master of consulting.
Bridges, William Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change Change is disruptive for organizations but managers can help people make the transitions.
Bridges, William The Way of Transition: Embracing Life's Most Difficult Moments A personal view of loss and the adjustment to it.
Bridges, William Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes A transition roadmap to help us better cope with change.
Cameron, Julia The Artist's Way Stimulating creativity for the non-artist.
Cameron, Julia The Sound of Paper: Starting From Scratch Using a process of constant renewal, we can clear our minds & equip our souls to feed our creativity.
Cameron, Julia Transitions: Prayers & Declarations for a Changing Life Prayers and reflections in times of crisis and transformation.
Carson, Rick Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way A humorous and enjoyable tool that uses novel ways to explore the inner conflict that may be undermining you.
Carter, Jimmy The Virtues of Aging From personal experience, he tackles the prospect of aging in a productive, active, and hopeful way.
Cashman, Kevin Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life To grow as a leader, you need to grow as a person.
Chatterjee, Debashis Leading Consciously: A Pilgrimage Toward Self-Mastery Leadership from the inside out is the imperative for organizations.
Cooperrider, David, et als. (editors) Appreciative Inquiry: An Emerging Direction for Organization Development The end of "problem solving" as we know it: reframing organization development "problems" as opportunities.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihali Finding Flow Achieving flow means that life can't be too easy nor can it be too hard. Finding the balance.
Deeprose, Donna The Team Coach A prescriptive guide to self-managed teams.
Denning, Stephen The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations How to use storytelling. Guess what: it's told as a story.
Dychtwald, Kenneth Age Power Quick: call your financial planner! What lies ahead for the boomers.
Egan, Gerard The Skilled Helper Clinically-focused but rich in teaching the coaching process.
Frankl, Victor Man's Search for Meaning Frankl survived three years in Nazi concentration camps. "The will to meaning" was, and is, the key.
Goleman, Daniel Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy at work.
Hargrove, Robert Masterful Coaching All about transformational change in organizations.
Henning, Joel The Future of Staff Groups Make sure ahead of time that you're in synch with your clients.
Hesselblein, Frances; Goldsmith, Marshall;Somerville, Iain (editors) Leading for Innovation: And Organizing for Results The culture and leadership that promote innovative organizations.
Hesselblein, Frances & Johnston, Rob (editors) On Leading Change How the pros do it, or suggest we do it.
Hill, Linda On Becoming A Manager Making a successful transition from managing yourself to managing others.
Hudson, Frederic The Adult Years Understanding the decades of our lives and planning productively for living them.
Hudson, Frederic The Handbook of Coaching An excellent, comprehensive coaching resource guide with lots of ideas and a great bibliography.
Hudson, Frederic & McLean, Pamela LifeLaunch A concrete time-out to re-examine your life and create a plan to go forward. Helpful models on adult change and renewal.
Kouzes, James, & Posner, Barry The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations A workable, logical model that takes the mystery out of leadership.
Lakoff, George & Johnson, Mark Metaphors We Live By Metaphor is embedded in language and language is how we live.
Logan, David & King, John The Coaching Revolution: How Visionary Managers are Using Coaching to Empower People & Unlock Their Full Potential How to coach the people you manage - not dictate to them - to get the results you need.
Maister, David; Green, Charles; Galford, Robert The Trusted Advisor Earning the trust and confidence of clients.
Niemela, Cynder & Lewis, Rachel Leading High Impact Teams A prescriptive approach to creating high-performing teams.
O'Neill, Mary Beth Executive Coaching: With Backbone and Heart Executive coaching methodology.
Owen, Nick The Magic of Metaphor: 77 Stories for Teachers, Trainers, & Thinkers All sorts of stories sorted by topic and how you can use them.
Personnel Decisions, Inc. (published by) The Successful Manager's Handbook: Development Suggestions for Today's Managers Tangible skills and activities to build management competence in all the major areas.
Peters, Tom Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution Radical then and applicable now.
Pink, Daniel Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself The changing nature of where we work, how we work, and for whom.
Robinson, Bryan Chained to the Desk Workaholism: you can't go cold turkey because you still need to work, but it needs to be treated.
Ruiz, Don Miguel The Four Agreements Getting rid of self-limiting beliefs.
Schuster, John Answering Your Call How to live your deepest purpose. Every day.
Schwartz, Peter The Art of the Long View Tangible scenario planning to identify the what-ifs: the probable and the improbable.
Ulrich, Dave; Zenger, Jack; Smallwood, Norm Results-Based Leadership Translating leadership attributes into bottom-line results.
Vaill, Peter Learning As a Way of Being Go beyond training and engage people in life-long learning.
Waterman, Robert The Renewal Factor: How the Best Get and Keep the Competitive Edge How to institutionalize flexibility and look at new possibilities to reinvigorate people and organizations.
Weisbord, Marvin & Janoff, Sandra Future Search An intense group process to get all the stakeholders in the room at the same time to plan for the long-term.
Zander, Rosamund & Benjamin The Art of Possibility Banish hopelessness from your life and embrace a different way of looking at things



Louise Mallette

p: 781.934.8902

e: louise@thetelicgroup.com

Renewal. Resilience. Results

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